Directors Comments’ August 2011.

Dear Shareholders

Our Annual General Meeting went off without any contentious matters being raised. At the AGM all your directors were re-elected for another term and we appreciate your vote of confidence in their service to the resort.
Our thanks go to the Managing Agent, Ovland Management Services (Pty) Ltd, (represented by Fred Jenkings), General Manager Sean Daly, Melita and all their staff for helping to keeping you happy and comfortable during your stay with us.
The only discordant note during this past year has been the constant noise and dust created during the ongoing renovations of the building next door to the resort. We are informed that the worst of this excessive noise, should come to an end by mid October, and that thereafter noise-levels should abate somewhat.  We sympathise with those of you who have had to endure the worst of this unfortunate experience!
Planned renovations and maintenance for this year have been completed within budget, and the units look great.  The new soft furnishings in the various units have received positive comments from our owners who stayed with us recently and we believe you will enjoy the comfortable and conservative look we have achieved throughout the resort.
After exhaustive discussions and consultations with R.C.I. and a poll of interested owners, your directors have decided that the resort will affiliate to Interval International “(Interval”).  Interval have indicated that they will offer owners who deposit weeks with them a 2-year free membership commencing from the date of signing. For those who do not join Interval and remain with R.C.I. your situation remains unchanged – the resort will still accept R.C.I. exchanges as before, and R.C.I. have indicated that they will continue to accept Bantry Bay owners as members, and will accept space banking of Bantry weeks.  We feel that our owners will benefit from this arrangement, as they now have a choice between the world’s two largest timeshare exchange organizations.
Your Directors always welcome constructive comments and suggestions for improving standards in all areas at Bantry Bay, so please feel free to let us have these whenever you feel the need arises.

Yours sincerely

I Sacker

Directors' Comments



Following on from our last “COMMENTS” we have received a number of replies and suggestions for which we thank you.

We have had a peaceful yet busy time at the resort and at the time of writing are just completing the refurbishing of the 1st floor apartments, and the tiling and kitchens of the 4th floor.

Those owners who have seen the finished product were all complimentary of the new styles, furniture and soft furbishing. We have opted for our customary “conservative chic’ look, which we feel we have achieved. Owners coming in should be pleasantly surprised.

A touchy yet relevant problem has arisen. We are getting an increasing number of requests from owners to have their units declared “non-smoking units”. As can be appreciated this would be a tricky one to implement and even more difficult one to administer and monitor. However, owners coming into their units often complain about the smell. The resultant discolouration of walls and furnishings from the cigarette smoke is also a factor to consider.

Wherever possible we try to canvas our owners and then follow the opinion of the majority. So please assist us in making this decision by either sending your comment per email or telephone to Sean Daly, our General Manager. We really appreciate your valued input!

Our Kombi has reached the end of its “motor plan” and after lengthy discussion and vehicle / cost comparisons, have now ordered a new Toyota Quantum, which should be delivered to us shortly. It is a smart and safe vehicle with all the “mod cons” we require for our owners. We are certain that this will once again help to enhance our status as the premier resort in the country.

We have recently been advised by the owners of the building adjacent to us, on the Cape Town side, that they are commencing with a major redevelopment that is likely to continue until well into 2011. At this stage we don’t know what the impact on us will be, but owners are advised that there could be significant noise levels during the redevelopment, and you should take this into account when planning your holiday during this period.


We have a Resort on the most valuable and prestigious site in South Africa.

No resort can compare with our views. The sea in all its beauty at our doorstep (there are whales in the bay right now).

We are windless during the summer windy South-Easter seasons – no other resort can boast this.

Our accommodation equals that of any resort in the country.

A premier rating with organizations such as RCI and AA.

Service from a staff of dedicated individuals who have served you for many a year past and will continue to do so.

Levies at a competitive rate.

The Directors, Managing Agent and Staff will always be available to assist you with any problems you may encounter at the Resort, or you may wish to make suggestions as to how we can enhance your stay at the Resort.

With kindest regards

Tich Sacker

For the Board of Directors


The AGM has come and gone.

Firstly, many thanks to those you were able to attend and for your input.

We received a large number of proxies and thank all those owners for their confidence in supporting us in our endeavours to maintain Bantry Bay as the premier resort in this country.

The support we received showed us that we have the backing of the vast majority of shareholders and furthermore that you value the resort as a cherished asset.

The AGM went off without the devastating attack of the previous year and owners who attended showed their support to the management and management agents and applauded the work they have done.

It is apparent to us directors that Bantry Bay is not just a resort but is a home from home to the vast majority of owners. Owners recognise the fact that the staff changes are few and therefore that year after year they are greeted by the same persons, who do their utmost to see to it that the owners and guests stay at the resort is a pleasant and happy one.

On Monday morning every week management host owners and guests to muffins, buns, tea and coffee in the lounge. This has proved most successful. Many owners have met other owners and guests and have spoken freely to directors and staff in an informal setting. We are able to learn firsthand if there are any problems that need attending to or conversely any suggestions to improve the situation, service or amenities of the resort. These suggestions are highly valued and are attended to where possible and if feasible (also bearing in mind the budget!!)

The new swimming pool deck is a joy to behold and is a further asset to the resort. Lounging on the deck in the windless conditions we experience during our summers, is equitable, nay greater than any other parts of our country or places in the world. We are justifiably proud of our resort.

One of the high points disclosed at the AGM was the reduction in the rates from the extremely high valuation of the past year. The rates were a significant cause of the unusually high increase in the levy for the past few years. Once the new lower rates are confirmed, it is on the cards that this will greatly influence a lower levy increase for next year.

The resort is in good hands and all involved, directors, managing agent, management and staff, will strive that it continues to be so.

Our thanks were recorded at the A G M to our Managing Agents and more particularly to Sean Daly, our General Manager, and his staff for the excellent job they do for the resort. Their efforts have resulted in the resort once again attaining Gold Star rating with RCI and top rating with the AA.

To the owners – thank you and we look forward to you enjoying your home from home in the near future.


Errol Strickland
